Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Hey, remember that one time we started a blog?

Maggie and Marie. Such a nice ring to it.

Too bad it did not go very far.

Two years later, and Maggie is a sophomore in college, has a strange new obsession with country music (how did that happen?), and likes to drink tea.

Marie is student teaching, and has traveled abroad (I am astonished too, but don't stand there with your mouth open like a cod-fish!), and still likes to drink tea.

Much has changed, but we are still the same people. Just more... educated.


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Perspective: Moving to School

I left for my Sophomore year of college this past week. I can't believe its already my second year here! Maggie spent the whole car-ride talking about how much she was looking forward to college, even though she has another whole year to wait. She makes me smile; so excited about the college she wants to go to, and the campus, and the classes, but afraid she wont like her roommate, or make any friends. Her? Ha! I have complete confidence.

We arranged most of my things in the room, deciding that the books would go there, and the cereal there, and why not put the postcards up on that wall? I had to leave all my things there overnight and come back home for one last day of work, and a few last goodbyes. But the next afternoon I packed all the things I forgot in the little Camry and prepared to say my goodbyes.

The night before I had written little letters to each of them; my parents and three younger sisters. None of them knew about it. Before I said goodbye I slipped them into places I knew they would find them before bed. On a pillow, or on a mirror. Of course Maggie would be the only one in her room, so I tried to slip it on her pillow without her noticing while we hugged goodbye. I am pretty sure she noticed :)

In an hour I was once again parked outside of my dorm building bringing the last finishing touches to the dorm room. Its going to be a good year.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Tubing with Five Senses

 see: a girl on the tube next to me who seems to be trying to catch up on seven-plus years of not tubing.
hear: the change in the way the boat's motor sounds when Dad turns to get us out of the wake
smell: I don't know. I'm too concentrated on Not. Falling. Off. The. Tube!
feel: the tube scraping and scratching my already banged and battered body (okay, its not THAT bad, but it sure feels that bad in the moment ;) )
taste: lake water. Ew. 

Sunday, August 8, 2010

a little late, but at least it got here

Sight: The boat, the wake, the rope pulling us over the water. My sister smiling as I scream for dear life.

Taste: Lake water. And the remnants of a nutty bar I pulled from the snack cabinet.

Smell: Lake water. Again, this time up my nose.

Touch: The tube handles as I dig my finger nails in and don't dare let go.

Hear: My sister laughing, the roar of the water, threatening that if I fall in, it won't release me.

That 6th sense: I love my sister<3

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Booking: Do Hard Things

-by Alex and Brett Harris

I'm sure it is safe to say that both of us are working on this. Doing hard things, I mean. We are still works of progress, and we both have the stories to tell for it. But that doesn't stop our forward motion.

For me, Do Hard Things was a turning point, if not a further coercion. Looking at things differently, I am able to see the things in my life that are of the "low expectations" that the book speaks of. Maybe not trying to rid of them completely (because being somewhat computer savvy is a good thing), but showing the world the other colors of my life that they don't expect.

What Maggie said: here.

What Marie said: here.

**further note from Marie:
I am still reading through the sequel, Start Here, and it has a lot of practical advice on HOW to do these hard things.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

sisters by blood

We are your average, everyday, ordinary, run-of-the-mill, ho-hum pair of sisters. And yes, we do like books. Most of the time we get along. Other times, well, let's just pretend we don't have other times. We are nerds that 'like' each others statuses, and finish each others sentences.

About Maggie: (by Marie)

She plays guitar (self-taught). She says 'I'm a spy.' every time she remembers or notices something no one thought she would. She reads books. And sometimes obsesses over them more than I do, which is saying something. She has her own blog- which I love- her writing style just makes me smile. When she comes into my room, she shuts my door and sits on my bed. Sometimes we don't even talk, I just keep doing what I was doing, and she reads the book she brought. Other times, we do talk, and loose track of time. She is amazing at math, but wants to go into something Englishy. She dabbles in writing- and sometimes even lets me read what she wrote. She could live on shish-kabobs, brats, ribs, and honey-mustered chicken. She straightens her hair, even though it is straight. She golfs. She laughs out loud at commercials on TV. And when she drives, and a song comes on that she likes, she turns the music up so loud I can't even hear myself think. And I love it.

About Marie: (by Maggie)

She likes tea and teapots. She dislikes romance novels. She makes her bed everyday so that I can come in and sit on it. She doesn't have a musical bone in her body, but she can beat me in arm wrestling. She likes to sit up straight to improve her posture. She has a laptop of which I am jealous (and writing on). She likes post-it notes and blank pieces of paper. She has the softest hands in the world, but doesn't believe me when I say that she does. She likes to always have a planned schedule, and she hates driving in bad weather. She has a look that can send me running, but that's only when I try to kiss her. She doesn't like to be hugged, and she doesn't like to hold hands. She likes to talk about books. A lot. She has squishes. She usually keeps her blinds closed in her room, and she regulates her room temperature with a pillow. She is a slow text-er, but she likes to talk on the phone when she's not busy. (At least that's how I figure it)

We'll talk about past, present and future. We'll quote each other, laugh with each other, and let you read about it.

This is a true blog. You think this happens everyday?